Iron and Steel

Iron and steel are the most widely used materials in various industries, especially the construction industry. Iron ore is one of the most important and widely used natural resources. But today, this valuable material is used as iron, steel, cast iron, etc., but in the past, iron ore was used raw.

In fact, it can be said that iron, steel and cast iron are derivatives of iron ore. Iron dates back to about 1400 BC. As you know, iron is the most widely used metal in the world and the main reason is its reasonable price and very high strength. So that almost all structures in the world made, are using iron or iron derivatives. But the resistance of iron depends on its quality, and iron is high quality and durable when it has a high degree of purity. Iron ore has impurities, and it is important to know how pure the final iron ore product is and through what process it is produced.

In fact, when impurities are separated from iron ore and additives are added to it, they form different alloys. In other words, alloys are a combination of metal with another material that may be ferrous or non-ferrous metal.

Iran is one of the countries with the largest iron ore mines in the region, known as the first producer and supplier of steel in the Middle East and North Africa. In fact, annual steel production in Iran is currently increasing, and this volume of production will make Iran a reliable supplier of iron and steel in the coming years.

Differences Between Iron and Steel

Steel is a metal composed of iron that contains from two thousandths (0.002) to two (2) percent carbon. This variable amount of carbon in the steel causes the strength of the final product to vary. Therefore, the higher the carbon content of the steel is, the higher its strength will be. As the strength of steel increases, its weld ability decreases. These properties lead to different applications of steel in different cases.

Therefore, steel, this high-consumption metal, must be made with the right amount of carbon to have both good strength and better flexibility and weld ability. Iron and steel also have different properties in terms of structure. The first difference between iron and steel can be seen in their anti-corrosion ability. Steel has anti-corrosion properties when iron reacts against oxygen and water in the sense that it oxidizes and is called iron oxide.

Another difference between iron and steel is their strength. The strength of steel is much higher than iron. This strength is primarily due to its higher carbon content, and then the addition of other elements such as nickel, which play a significant role in increasing the strength.

The use of steel in various industries is based on its strength. The amount of carbon is divided into three groups: low carbon steel, medium carbon steel and high carbon steel.

Iron and steel have different types such as:

  • Sponge Iron
  • Crude Steel
  • Iron Ore



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We are one of the largest export companies in Iran and we offer the best and highest quality building materials including cement, clinker, kaolin, gypsum, etc. with the best price and desirable quality to our customers.

Iron and Steel Products

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